As you maybe know, the full-featured version of the Telerik RadEditor is able to use flash objects (.SWF files). Customers like this feature, especially in a WCM environment. However, some customers feel the need to play .FLV files into the RadEditor. Since this isn’t supported by Telerik, we have to build it ourself.
Below I’ll guide you through the steps necessary to extend the FlashManager Dialog.
Download (buy) the full featured-version of Telerik RadEditor (at the moment of writing the latest version is 5.5)
I noticed that the HTML field control strips out OBJECT tags. For this reason, place the Telerik RadEditor on top of a NOTE field.
Download and upload a FLV player into your SharePoint environment ( Style Library, Layouts folder, …). You can download the player here.
Extend the Telerik RadEditor
Once you are done with the preparation you can start with the real work…
Extend the configfile.xml with the following properties:Download the Telerik AJAX RadControls sourcecode (I think this is only possible if you have a developer license). There you’ll find a usercontrol, named FlashManager.ascx. Copy this file into the /_layouts/[ProjectName]/RadEditor/EditorDialogs/ folder. Note: This path is equal to the ExternalDialogsPath value available in the configfile.
Now we are able to select, set parameters and place a FLV player into our editor.