Saturday, June 23, 2012

SharePoint Sucks – And Here’s Why...

What would you do when you see this message?


A) Stay calm, try to copy the correlation ID, notice that you can’t copy it and still stay calm, write it down on a piece of paper and track it in the ULS logs

B) Open your browser, go to a search engine and type “SharePoint sucks” to let off steam

If you have chosen option B, you’ll probably encounter the funny blog series of Bjørn Furuknap. Give it a read, they are a bit outdated but there’s still a lot of truth in it.
Ow, btw, I didn’t search after “SharePoint sucks” – it was a colleague who mentioned the blog series. He has probably chosen for option B. Ok, to be honest, there are days that I hate SharePoint too. I have some sort of love/hate relationship with it.

Let me end this post with a funny quote of Bjørn Furuknap.
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve said quite a lot of things about SharePoint that may lead you to think I hate SharePoint. I don’t. Quite the contrary, I love SharePoint. Yeah, it sucks, but so does my wife, and I’ve married her twice.

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